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*Chase Alan* - Month 5

The art of being a parent is to sleep when the baby's not looking. ~

Daddy's 33rd birthday!  As a birthday present for Daddy, Chase decided to roll over - tummy to back - for the first time w/only Daddy and Pawpaw in the room.  Mommy is a tad jealous, but will let it slide since it was Daddy's big day! ;o)


Well, we hit another first today and it wasn't a fun one at all!!!!  Chase was in his first (and hopefully last) car accident.  :o(  Both Chase and Mommy are ok, but it about scared Mommy to death!  Chase never once cried and was more than happy to be in Mommy's arms on the side of the freeway, watching the cars go by, while trying to devour the papers we were trying to fill out.  *Technically* it was Mommy's fault, although she didn't cause it, but they said it was "unavoidable" and did not cite anyone for it.  We are pleased to say that the Tahoe definitely held up a lot better than the other car involved and metal truly is better than fiberglass.  We are very thankful that everyone was ok and feel very blessed that it wasn't worse.



Chase rolled over - back to tummy - for the 1st time!!!! 

Chase slept in his own bed, in his own room, for the very first time!!!  What a big boy!!!  (picture coming soon!)

Chase had yet another dr's appt. for a possible ear infection.  We went to a new dr. today and we LOVED her.... looks like we'll be changing to her on a permanent basis!  Turns out he doesn't have an ear infection but he isn't over his cold and it has settled in his eyes, which is making them red and itchy.  Perhaps that is why he's pulling on his ears????  Back to the eye drops and hopefully we'll kick this nasty thing soon!  Oh, he weighed 17 pounds 2 ounces and was 25 3/8ths inches long, growing like a weed!

Chase has rice cereal on a spoon for the first time today.  He wasn't too sure what to think.  To see our journey (complete w/pics and story) click below!

Chase's 1st Time to Eat off a Spoon!

Chase has his first cold.  :o(  Since about 11:30 he had been sleeping very rough and coughing, so we knew something wasn't right.  At 2:00 he was wide awake crying and we had a full-blown cold.  Since we are new at this whole thing, we took him to Urgent Care and they prescribed a decongestant.  It's so hard when Doodlebug doesn't feel well!

Chase attended his first family reunion for the Kahla Family in Port Boliver, Texas.  It was also his first ferry ride and he was the youngest one at the family reunion!  Unfortunately, we were unable to get a picture of his "1st" ferry ride due to the bad weather, but we were able to snap a few on the ride back!




Kahla's 29th birthday and her first birthday as a Mommy, just that part alone made it the BEST birthday ever!  However, this will unfortunately be her last "birthday" because from here on out she will be celebrating the "anniversary of her 29th birthday."

Chase had his four month appointment and shots today.  He weighed 16 pounds 7 ounces and was 24 1/2 inches long.  He's come a long way since he first arrived!!!  The shots were NOT his or Mommy's favorite part of the visit, but we both survived (Mommy just barely *wink*) and they were soon a thing of the past.

Chase was dedicated to The Lord today at The Ark Family Church in Conroe, Texas.  Being dedicated means that Jeff and I will commit to raise Chase in a Christian home/atmosphere.






Our Doodlebug is 4 months old today!  When I look at him it's so hard for me to believe that 4 months have already passed.  So many times this still seems like a dream and that any moment I will wake up.  Everyday brings us new adventures and new joys, it truly is amazing.  If only I could find a way to make time stand still.


**Chase Alan** - Month 4

*Chase Alan* - Month 3

*Chase Alan* - Months 1 & 2

Belly Pictures

Our Pregnancy Journal

~Chase Alan Larson, 3/07/05!~