Today was our baby shower and we had a wonderful time. Everyone was so sweet to come and gave us so
many nice things. We got everything from nail clippers to our glider, it was truly a blessing. My mom made the
most beautiful cake and Jeff's Aunt Susie and cousin, Wendy, did a wonderful job putting the shower together. I will
get more pictures up soon!
Chase's Mommy and Daddy at the shower |

Chase's Mommy and Grandmas |

(Kahla's Mom on the left, Jeff's Mom on the right) |
The Cake that Kahla's Mom made! WOW!!!! |

We had our 35 week appt today and everything looks good. After the exam, they said we are not dialated
and there are no signs that Chase is coming anytime soon. Of course, Chase was being a bit of a brat today and it took
15 minutes and two nurses just to get the monitor set for the NST because he wouldn't stay still. As the nurse put it,
"they had to chase Chase." ;o) We go back on the 18th for an ultrasound.
We had our ultrasound today and boy, do we have an active baby! The poor technician had a tough time
getting all her measurements and swears that Chase is going to be one of those babies that likes to rip his diaper off and
run around naked because he's always willing to show his goods. ;o) They are estimating his weight at 5 1/2 pounds now
and he's in the 50th percentile on everything, which is right where they want him! Everything still looks really good
and *if* my bloodpressure were to go up, then they will consider inducing, but right now, it's just fine. We'll go back
next Wed. for our NST, Strep B testing, and regular appt. Dr. Peet wanted to know if we were getting excited and I told
him that sometimes it all still feels like a dream and it's hard to believe that in five weeks I'll have a baby. His
words, "I can guarantee that in five weeks, you ARE going to have a baby!" I'll try and get his pic up soon, it's just
a back, shoulder, and head shot, he's gotten too big to get really good ones!!!
Updated pictures of the nursery, isn't it cute!?!?!?!

We had our first weekly appointment today and things are looking great. We passed the NST (if you call
it passing) with flying colors and will go back next Wed. for an ultrasound to check measurements again. They did tell
us to go ahead and pre-register just in case Chase decided to debut early, so we'll do that this weekend. :o)
Almost there!!!
I can't believe it but our baby boy is now up to 4 pounds 6 ounzes!! He was measuring perfect (like
there was ever any doubt) and looks great! Our Dr. has decided to go ahead and move me to weekly appointments now, and
they will rotate between NST (non-stress test) and ultrasound each week. So, next Wed. we will have our first NST.
He assures us that everything is fine, but since high blood-pressure runs in my family and mine's always been borderline (although
it hasn't gone up... yeah) he wants to keep a close eye on the baby. We are busily working on the nursery and in just
7 short weeks our baby boy will be here!!!! Since Chase has gotten so big, there isn't that much room
for him to move making the utlrasound pictures less clear, but I'll try and get one here by this weekend. Hope everyone
is doing well!!!!!
Here are some udpated pictures of the nursery! We still have lots of work to do, but at least it looks
like a baby's room now! We are already at 32 weeks and although we want him to stay put until 40 weeks, in another 5
weeks he'll be full-term!!!

We had our 30 ( well 30 1/2) week appt today and it went really well! I passed my gestational diabetes
test *phew* and everything looks good. I have actually lost 32 pounds (my mom did the same thing when she was pg) and
since Chase continues to measure well, they aren't worried since I was fluffy to begin with. :o) My blood pressure
was border-line as usual, but I think that's pretty much my norm so they aren't even too worried about that. I do have
pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand, but Dr. Peet assured us that it will go away once Chase is born.
Boy, do I hope he's right! We are now on to appts. every two weeks and (drumroll please) we get to have another ultrasound
on the 19th to check fluid levels. Yeah!!!! Jeff went back to work Tuesday and I go tomorrow so it looks like
our Xmas vacation is over. Hope everyone is having a great New Year!!!
2005!!!! Boy, how weird is that? What an amazing and wonderful year 2004 was for us and our
family. Looking back, we realize that we have been truly blessed with so much. I swear that it seems like just
yesterday when we were all worried what was going to happen at midnight on 2000 and now it's 5 years later. Where does
all the time go???
We are now 30 weeks 1 day pregnant and our baby boy will be here before we know it. We are very excited,
nervous, eager, anxious... the list could go on and on. I think that I'm almost still in shock that we are at this
point! We actually got started on the nursery today (finally) and are slowly getting it together. After our nephew
helped move some furniture out/in the room, Jeff's mom and dad came over and the three of them had a paint party. It
was off limits for me, which made me feel like a complete bum, but I understood why! They did a great job and got all
of the painting done, it looks WONDERFUL! The top is actually a cream color and the bottom is a light green, I don't
think the pictures really do it justice! We will let it dry well and then next week we will hang the border in the middle
(where the white is on the pictures) and then we'll start getting furniture moved in and set up. Wow, I can't even believe
that after almost 4 years of waiting to get here, we're here!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a great
first day of the new year!!!

What an amazing day! We had our 4D ultrasound, regular ultrasound, and gestational diabetes testing
today. Chase is measuring right on schedule and looks PERFECT!!!!! The 4D ultrasound was even better than I imagined
and I am so glad we chose to pay the extra money and do it. We ended up with about 40 pictures and 14 movie clips from
it. Our ultrasound technician, Shirley, is one of the sweetest people I met and even got the cd ready for us before
we left. This precious little boy had helped us meet so many wonderful people. Chase definitely has his daddy's
cheeks and his mommy's eyes and there is not a doubt in my mind that he is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.
As much as I am enjoying the pregnancy part, I can't wait to hold my little boy in my arms! Only 12 more weeks to go!!!
Here are a couple of the 4D pics and I will try to get some more posted soon! Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday
season!!!! *I just noticed that I forgot to put he weighed 2 1/2 pounds!!!*

We got a new neice today!!! William and Alisa's daughter was born today, via c-section, was 19 inches
long and weighed 6 pounds 8 ounzes. The BM rights will be terminated on Thursday and William and Alisa will have full
custody!!! We are so excited and can't wait to meet Maddison (Maddie) Octavia!!!!
**Update** It's official, Maddie is ours!!!! Woohooo!!!!! Congratulations William
and Alisa!

We are 27 weeks today, meaning we are in our third trimester!!!!
Tonight was our first birthing class at St. Lukes and I think that we are going to really enjoy it.
There are seven other couples, two aren't sure of the gender, four are having girls, and then one other couple is having a
boy. For the most part, everyone seems really nice and very friendly. We go for our 4D ultrasound, regular ultrasound,
and gestational diabetes testing next week and we can't wait to see our little guy again! This will be the first time
grandpa has gotten to go and actually see Chase's ultrasound, so I think everyone is looking forward to that. And, on
a side note, only a week and a half until Xmas break (thank GOD)!!!!!!!!!!
Only 100 days until Chase's expected date of delivery!!!! WOOHOOOOOO!!! (not that we're counting
This is a picture of the bedding we have chosen for Chase's nursery, isn't it the cutest?!?!?!?

We wanted to wish everyone a very Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!!! We received this email and thought
it was cute, so we decided to pass it on to all our family and friends:
Happy Thanksgiving!
May your stuffing be tasty.
May your turkey be plump.
May your potatoes 'n gravy have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious.
May your pies take the price.
May your Thanksgiving dinner stay off of your thighs!
We had our 23 week appointment today and everything looks GREAT!!! Blood pressure is good and our 24
hour urine test came back "stable," which I guess means normal. ;o) We have our next visit scheduled for Dec. 16th and
we'll have our 4D ultrasound, regular ultrasound, and GD testing. Only four more weeks and we're in our 3rd trimester,
where'd the time go???
Just a little update. Things are going really well and it's amazing how fast time is flying. We
are already 23 weeks and 2 days!!!! Our little Chase is kicking up a storm and my guess is that daddy will be able to
feel him any day now (if only he'd kick when daddy's hand was there)!!! Hope everyone else is well! We have our
next appt. on Tuesday and they will schedule our 4D ultrasound. :o)
It's a BOY!!!! I can't believe that little boy on
the screen is OUR baby!!!! He is absolutely wonderful and perfect in every way (but I may be biased). It
was so amazing after having done IVF and getting ultrasounds from the point when he was just a tiny dot, to see how big
he has gotten and I am just in awe! Jeff is just beside himself with the fact that he now has a little fishing/hunting
buddy and is wearing the biggest grin. I love it!!! I think I actually knew it was a boy from the start, but everyone
else had me convinced it would be a girl (guess that motherly instinct is right). Thanks again to everyone who
sent well wishes, it obviously worked because he wasn't a bit shy! We are naming him Chase Alan!!!! Hope
everyone is well!
His hand is under his chin & he's looking up! |

Definitely a *Chase,* just look for the turtle! |

We had our 17 weeks appt today and everything was great! We heard the baby's heartbeat on the doppler,
but they didn't do a count because their's doesn't have a display. However, it ranges from the 140's and up here at
home. I was measuring right at 17 weeks and we were actually 16w6d, so that was perfect. They are going to
watch my b/p because high blood pressure runs in my family and both my mom and great-grandma were/are on medicine for it.
Mine's been a little up, so they don't want it going too high. If they start to see a problem, I will get on meds, but
I can't remember what kind. It also means they will be monitoring me closer, meaning more ultrasounds. So, that
part is a plus! We've scheduled our next ultrasound for Oct. 21st at 4:00 and we'll make sure the baby is measuring
well and also the gender!!! We are so excited! Maybe we'll get a poll going to guess what it is? I bet I
could figure out how to do that. 17 weeks already, where did the time go??!?!?!?
Well, it turns out that what we thought was a little chest cold last week is actually bronchitis and sinusitis...
yuck! I went to the dr. on Monday after calling in sick for the first time since I started teaching and that was the
official diagnosis. They assured me that the baby is fine and getting everything he needs, which is exactly why I got
sick - low immune system! So, now I'm on lots of meds, which I hate, and just waiting to get over it! Our next
appt. is still set for Sept. 30th (just a check-up and bloodwork) and the big ultrasound on Oct. 21st (only five more weeks)!
We are now getting to the point where we can hear the baby's heartbeat on our home doppler almost everytime and it always
such a wonderful sound! Hope you are all well!!!
We had our ultrasound and appt. with Dr. Peet this afternoon and it was absolutely wonderful!!!! Both
grandma's came with us and I'm not sure who was more thrilled with the whole thing. The tech wouldn't spill the beans on gender
yet, but we'll going back on Oct. 21st for our 20 week ultrasound and gender check (if the baby will cooperate)! Only
6 more weeks and we'll know. The baby was measuring right on track and has caught up to the due date (he was a
week behind at our last OB visit). He actually had the hiccups during the ultrasound and even tried to suck his thumb.
Jeff swears he was giving a right jab while we were watching, but I didn't see that one. ;o) We got to see fingers,
toes, ears, nose, mouth, etc and of course, his little heart just pumping away. His heartrate was at 159 bpm
and is still the most wonderful sound we have ever heard. I go back for bloodwork in three weeks and then we don't go
again until the "big" ultrasound. And (drumroll please), we are now 14 weeks, meaning we are in our 2nd trimester!!!!!!

We ordered a Babybeat home doppler and got it last night. We didn't hear the baby's heartbeat but we
could sure hear mine! However, tonight was a different story, we heard it. It was only for a split second, but
it was so exciting. The display put it at 169 bmp!! Thursday can't get here fast enough for that ultrasound!
We will be 13 weeks tomorrow!
We are 12 weeks today and it is a day of celebration!! We were "officially" released from Dr. Gill's
today! It's a wonderful milestone, but a little scary at the same time. We owe so much to Dr. Gill, Dr. Wong,
and their wonderful staff. Without them, we would never have made it this far!! Our forever thanks go out to them.
Our little bean was just wiggling away on the ultrasound. In fact, he was moving so much that we couldn't
get all of him on the screen at once! We ended up with a nice belly/leg shot, where you can even see one precious little
foot. It's amazing to think that he is actually in there, growing like crazy and moving all around. He was
stretching and kicking her legs, it was awesome. When we got the final call this afternoon they said that our bloodwork
looked excellent and our numbers had stayed just where they should!
Our next appt is on Sept. 9th with Dr. Peet. We will be getting another ultrasound (which the grandma's
will be attending along with us) and they may even be able to make a guess at gender, if the little bean will stay still and
cooperate. We will be 14 weeks, which is still early for gender, but with the advanced technology it's a possiblity!
I still can't believe that we are almost in our 2nd trimester and things are progressing so well. It just amazes me
to think that we are now just like every other pregnant couple that only has to see one dr., on a regular schedule.
This will always be our little miracle baby!

We took our last shot this evening and boy are Kahla's hips glad! We were on progesterone shots for
about 61 days (that doesn't include all the blood draws or the stims for our actual IVF), which seemed like forever, but was
definitely worth it. Hopefully, our levels will remain right where they should and Friday's news will be great!
Not a bad way to celebrate our five year anniversary!
Our ultrasound this morning proved that the baby is as tired as the momma because he slept through the entire
thing! Looks like the first graders have him worn out too! ;o) Everything looked great on the ultrasound and our
little bean is growing like a weed. Also, we got the call this afternoon that we can stop all our meds after tomorrow,
which means NO MORE SHOTS!!!! Of course, that also means that after our next appt. on the 27th with Dr. Gill, if all
our levels are good, they will be releasing us and we will be solely under the care of Dr. Peet, our OB. A big, but
scary step for us! It's amazing we've come this far, not to mention, we're almost out of the 1st trimester! We're
11 weeks today, woohoo!!!!

We are 10 weeks today and had another appt at Dr. Gills. The baby was doing great and even bouncing
around on the ultrasound for us!
We had our 2nd appt. at Dr. Peet's today and met with his PA, Laura. She was wonderful and spent quite
a bit of time with her. Since we hadn't gotten to hear the baby's heartbeat, she even squeezed us in for an ultrasound
(I told you she was wonderful). After the tech got all the measurements she needed, she turned the screen toward us
and we got to see our little bean with it's heart just beating away. Then she turned on the sound and we got to hear
it!!!! It was definitely the sweetest sound I've ever heard and we could have listened to it for hours! It was so fast,
171 beats per minute. They assured us that it was fine and the baby looked great. We got a wonderful zoomed in
picture where you could see arms and legs, but it feel out of my purse this weekend when we were in the Woodlands. :o(
Perhaps I'll be able to get a copy, but if not, we get to go back on Sept. 9th and are scheduled for another ultrasound then.
Turns out our little bean didn't feel much like cooperating for today's ultrasound! Our nurse said the
baby was all curled up and other than seeing the heartbeat, it pretty much just looked like a blob. I have our 2nd OB
appt on Thursday and Jeff will get to come, so I'm hoping that we can talk them into doing an ultrasound. I'm also hoping
that we'll get to hear the heartbeat since Dr. Gill's machines don't have audio and up until now, we've only gotten to see
it. We are 9 weeks today!

Jeff finally got to see the baby's heartbeat today and it was definitely one of the best moments we have had yet.
It's amazing that it is so small, yet brings so much joy. Of course, I wish he could go to every appointment with me!
We are now officially down to once a week, so we don't get to see our little bean again until next Friday, 8/6. And,
we are 8 weeks today, so we are ever so slowly getting closer and closer to the 2nd trimester! I have had a couple of
icky feeling moments lately and am hoping that the m/s stays far, far away since I have to go back to work on the 9th!

I got to see the baby's heartbeat again today and I really wish Jeff could get to see it too. Dr. Gill's
machine doesn't have audio, but it looks like it is beating nice and fast and the baby is growing like it should. I
thought we wouldn't be going back until Monday, but when they called to give the bloodwork results (all is well), they said
I am scheduled to go back on Friday. My guess is Dr. Gill wants to do a scan, since the nurse did it today and he hasn't
done one since last Wed. I'm not complaining!!!

We had our first OB appointment today with Dr. Peet. He was super nice and his staff is great.
I think we'll be sticking with him to deliver the baby in Conroe. I had hoped he'd do an ultrasound, but since I had
one with Dr. Gill yesterday, he didn't... darn! We go back to Dr. Peet on Aug. 12th and then we'll go once a month until
we hit 26 weeks, twice a month from 26-36 weeks, and then once a week after that. Boy does that seem like an eternity
We are 6w5d today and there on the screen was a tiny, beautiful, wonderful, fluttering heartbeat! It's
amazing that something so small can bring such comfort. What a wonderful day!
Dr. Gill is now weaning us down from three appts/ultrasounds a week to one a week. I guess we should
be glad that he thinks we are doing well enough to come in less, but I've sure gotten used to being in there every other
day!!! Not to mention, I have to go back to work on the 9th, so this really is a good thing. ;o) Also, I go to
Dr. Peet for our first OB appt tomorrow, this all just seems like a dream still! I guess because it took so long to
get to this point, it's hard to believe!

Well, not much of a change in 24 hours, but the yolk sac was definitely there and very clear! They think
we should see the heartbeat no later than the middle of next week!
We drove to Tomball to have Dr. Gill do our ultrasound this morning. It was amazing to see how much
our little bean has grown in just two days! We could clearly see the yolk sac and even where the baby is starting to
form. It actually just looked like a little line, but it was such a blessing to see. It's amazing that this
tiny little thing will be the baby we get to hold in our arms in just 8 short months!
We had our second ultrasound today and they could see the yolk sac beginning to form. Our HCG is doing
great and it looks like we're right where we should be! Dr. Gill is having us drive to Tomball for another ultrasound
on Sunday morning because he would like to do one and that's when he could fit us in. Made me nervous at first, but
I'm sure it's fine! In obstetrical terms, we are "6 weeks" today!
We had our first ultrasound this morning and it looks like we are expecting one little bean!
Our RE is sure we had "vanishing twin" and we are a little sad about that, but VERY thankful to still have our one little
one on the way!!! I get to go back on Friday for another ultrasound (one plus of being an IVF patient is lots of ultrasound)
and then I'll keep getting them at least twice a week until I'm released to my OB. Fortunately, that won't be for a couple
of weeks! We are 5w5d today and hopefully we'll be able to see a heartbeat next week! On the ultrasound picture,
the little black dot that the arrow is pointing to is the baby (tiny, huh)!!!

We just got word that our number was at 983 today, which is right where they thought it would be!!!!
Even better, we thought we'd get the ultrasound on Friday, but it turns out we'll be getting it on Wednesday! Of course,
we'll only be 5w5d, so it'll probably still be too early to see the heartbeat, but we're still excited!!!! Thank God
for answered prayers! (Tomorrow is Kahla's 28th birthday, what an awesome present!)
We are "officially" 5 weeks today and are happy to announce that our BETA was up by about 90% (they wanted
to see it up by 60%). It was such a relief to know that our sweet baby is still in there. I'm still having no
symptoms, but of course, we are really early in the pregnancy. We have waited so long for this day. I go back
in Monday for our next round of bloodwork and hopefully we'll be have our ultrasound by next Friday. God continues to
answer our prayers.
This is how it all began... just a teeny, tiny embryo! This is the picture of all four embryos taken right
before we transferred the three on June 21st, 2004. They were just three days old, how cute is that?!?!?! I guess
we'll never know which one our little miracle is.
