Chase got his Bumbo Seat in the mail today and he seems to really like it. I think he looks pretty darn
cute in it myself! He's getting so big!!! *sigh*

We recieved this outfit as a gift and just had to try it on. Introducing... Bruce Leroy Larson :o)

We went to our first baby massage class today and Chase really seemed to enjoy it. There were four other
babies and not a one of them cried during the massage time. I hope I can remember how to do it at home!
We also had a dr's appt because I thought Chase was getting thrush... I was right. We caught it really
early though and they put him on gentian violet and they think that three doses (one every other day) will do the
trick. Now his lips and tongue are purple... guess we won't be doing professional pics anytime soon! Also, he
weighs in at a whopping 14 pounds 3 1/2 ounces and is 23 1/2 inches long!
Mommy's Purple People Eater! |

Madison, Aunt Alisa, and Kiefer dropped by for a visit and we thought we'd try out the baby Einstien Gym with
Madison. She is apparently a fan like Chase. Aren't they cute together!

Chase Alan - Months 1 & 2