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**Chase Alan** - Month 4

~ From small beginnings come great things! ~

Chase has his first "Big Boy" bath today in the big tub!!!  I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, Chase or Daddy!!  I think we definitely have a Water Baby on our hands!






7/1/05 - 7/4/05
Chase went on his 1st "out of state" trip to see our family in Mississipp.  The drive down there was awful and what normally takes about 6 1/2ish hours took almost 10!  Can we say traffic????  Poor Chase was miserable (we all know he is not a fan of the carseat) and after crying for a hour and a half, he then preceded in spitting up an entire bottle and eventually zonking out.  Needless to say, Mommy cried w/him!
Our visit in MS was good, we got to see lots of family members who were meeting Chase for the first time and immediately fell in love w/him.  Chase definitely wore himself out because he was pretty sure that if he napped, he'd miss something terribly important.
Our drive home was MUCH better and we made it in about 7ish hours.  Chase slept most of the way, which was a huge relief because I was so scared it'd be a repeat of the drive down.  Not a very exciting way to spend Chase's 1st 4th of July, but we had fun anyway!






Tooth #2 has popped through!!! Our baby is getting too big, too fast!


Chase is 16 weeks old today and has a tooth!!! Sure enough, he's been drooling, yanking at his ears (but has been checked twice and no infection), cranky (which we just figured was his reflux since we're readjusting meds), rubbing his tongue on what we thought was his lips (guess it's really his gums), and trying to chew everything from his burp rags to toys to our shoulders and last night when I was giving him his meds I wiped his mouth out like usual and there is was... this tiny, white tooth just barely poking through. I had to have Jeff come look to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Of course, I want to keep feeling it, but Chase is not too terribly impressed with that. I did manage to get a couple of pictures that you can barely see it in, poor kids had my hands all over him. At least he was patient for about a minute while we snapped about a zillion pictures trying to get a good one. So, can ya'll see it??? I think you can only really see it in the 2nd one on here. Anyone else have a baby get a tooth so early? I'm almost sad, just one more thing saying that my baby is growing up way too fast. *sigh*



Chase in his camo again.  Daddy made his hat do that, he's so silly.



They thought Chase had an ear infection again so it was back to the dr.  Turns out it was just his reflux acting up and his ears look great, so they upped the dosage if all his meds.  While we hate he is having to deal w/reflux, we're so glad we have made it this far without an ear infection!!!  We found out today that reflux babies are prone to them, so we feel VERY blessed!!!  He weighed in at 16 pounds even (w/clothes and diaper on).  What happened to our 6 pounder????

Chase rode on the Easy-Go for the first time today w/Mommy and Daddy... I'll have to snap a picture of him on there and post it.  He wasn't too sure if he liked it or not.

One year ago today we did our transfer for IVF and placed all of our hopes and dreams on the faith that we would at last have our Little Miracle.  It's amazing what a year can bring!!!  Here is a picture of Chase then and Chase now.  I still just can't believe he is here.





It was also a big day because today is the day that Madison's adoption was finalized!!!  She is finally ours forever and nobody can ever take her away.  It was an amazing day and William and Alisa are just glowing w/happiness.  Can you tell what a blessed family we are?






Chase went to his 1st wedding today!!!  We wish Christine and David many years of happiness for them and their family.... congratulations!!!  We did take the camera but left it in the car, so the only pic I have is of Chase before we left... sorry!


Chase is 100 days old today!!!!  Boy what a wild and crazy ride this has already been and it's just beginning.  To celebrate the big day we ended up at yet another dr's appointment.  Ok, we weren't really celebrating, it was more of an appointment to rule out a possible ear infection.  He woke up w/what I thought was a blocked tear duct (like he had when he was a newborn) and they thought it was a sign of an ear infection, so we played it safe and took him in.  Turns out it's just an eye infection and his ears look great!  Thank goodness it wasn't something worse, eh?  Also, he definitely had a growth spurt, he's up to 15 pounds 8 ounces and was 24 1/4 inches long.  He's gaining on Madison fast!




Chase LOVES bathtime!!!  Mommy and Daddy don't mind it either. ;o)





Chase is 3 months old today!!!  How in the world did that happen?!?!  I can't believe 3 months have already passed.  I just gets better and better every day.



*Chase Alan* - Month 3

*Chase Alan* - Months 1 & 2

Chase Alan, EDD 3/10/05 - Our Pregnancy Journal

Belly Pictures

~Chase Alan Larson, 3/07/05!~